Tips For Taking Care Of Your Dog's Dental Health

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Pet Care Fundamentals: A New Owner's Guide Bringing a pet into your family is an exciting prospect, but it's also one that can come with a steep learning curve. If you've never had a pet before, you'll need to make sure you understand how to care for it and help it grow. If this sounds like you, you're in the right place. This site is focused on animal care, veterinary treatment, and the basics every new pet owner needs to know. Hopefully, the posts here will help you to be better prepared for the pet that you're ready to bring into your family so that you can ensure the best possible experience.



You probably take care of your dog in several different ways every day. However, there is one area of care you may sometimes forget. This is your dog's dental care. If you have currently fallen behind, it's not too late to ensure that you are taking proper care of your dog's teeth. With just a few simple tips, you will be back on the road to securing your dog's dental health. 

Use the Right Toothpaste 

There are kinds of toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs, and they are deliciously flavored. Many of them are flavored to taste like peanut butter, beef, or even chicken. These kinds of toothpaste are designed to make it easier for you to brush your dog's teeth. By flavoring the toothpaste to taste like food, it is believed your pet will be more cooperative, and it works in most cases.

If you have a larger dog, you can use a human toothbrush to brush their teeth. If you have a smaller dog, try using a fingertip toothbrush to brush instead. There are also dog toothbrushing kits available that contain varying sizes of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Dental Powder

An alternative to brushing your dog's teeth is to use dental powder. This is a great option because some dogs simply will not allow you to brush their teeth. If this happens, get a flavored dental powder and add it on top of your dog's food whenever you feed them. This is very effective at preventing plaque and tartar from building up on your pet's teeth. There are also water additives available that you can pour into your dog's drinking water. It does a great job of removing bacteria that can cause plaque buildup.

Get Help from Your Vet

Some dogs are resistant to having their teeth brushed and do not like to eat food or water with dental products added. If your dog is like this, do not despair. There is a solution, and your pet can help you with it.

There is dental food available that can help to reduce plaque and tartar buildup as your dog eats. Talk to your vet about this so that they can recommend the best food for your pet.

Additionally, no matter what type of dental care you give your dog at home, you should take them in for dental cleanings at your vet occasionally. Even with the best dental care, over time, there will be small amounts of plaque and tartar buildup. Take your dog to the vet to have these removed.

Contact your veterinarian for more information about pet dental care

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